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Lara Lima is tireless curious, everything that involves life and art is of interest to her. Bachelor of Performing Arts (EBA-UFRJ), attended Fashion Design and Apparel Production Technologist (SENAI-CETIQT), in an in-depth exploration of her interests, but it was in photography that she found her preferred form of artistic expression. She collaborated with the production of short films, performing still photography and cinematography, camera op for video clips, produced experimental videos for the theater, and conducted essays in several areas of commercial and documental photography.


From the beginning, she dedicates herself to the production of self-portraits, which cross all her experiences, being a constant practice under different approaches. Time as self-representation, time as an affirmation of her place in the world, and lately, taking a form of experimenting with the technique and tension of the social conflicts that are expressed in her body.

After June 2013, she moved to Aiuruoca, MG, where experienced another way of life outside the city. Living next to the Sino da Paz Station, she makes a wide photographic record of nature, immersing herself in this new way of living.

There, she understands the meaning of life as art, through the stories that culminated in the construction of the Bell and the life experience of its creators. Having the opportunity to photograph the memory of that place, developing bonds of affection through photography and daily living.

From 2015, back in Rio de Janeiro, she began to make photographic coverage of street demonstrations, especially of the feminist movement, exploring an internal vision, since its construction, making her work available for communication of the collectives she builds, starting to collaborate in 2017 with the Portal Esquerda Online to the present day.

In recent years she has been dedicated to the study of contemporary art through courses at Parque Lage, Atelier da Imagem and the Plataforma de Emergência at CMAHO, she also completed a postgraduate degree in Art Teaching Methodology (UNICESUMAR) and participated in some exhibitions with photographs, video art and works in other media such as installation and embroidery. Using art as a tool for investigating and experimenting with other ways of living, fighting, and being in the world.

Collective exhibitions







Masterpieces: where the nostalgia meets - virtual exhibition contemplated by the Aldir Balnc Law

Masterpieces: where the nostalgia meets - virtual exhibition contemplated by the Aldir Balnc Law

Ingajá - Ingá Museum, Niterói, RJ (download catalog in portuq)

Art and contingency - Espaço Apis, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Collective hug, Atelier 397, São Paulo, SP

Red Salon of the Degenerate Arts - Atelier Sanitário, Rio de Janeiro, RJ



Exposição Casa Comujm - Museu da República, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

2019 - 2020

50 years of Stonewall and the rights of the LGBTQ + population in Brazil - Space Memory, art and society Jessie Jane Vieira de Souza, Rio de Janeiro, RJ


Iris Exhibition - Atelier Sanitário, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

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